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The Howard Partnership Trust (THPT) is a Surrey based Multi-Academy Trust, comprising four secondary, six primary and two special schools with two further under development. We are proud of our ethos of collaboration and inclusion, "Bringing out the best" in students of all abilities and backgrounds. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust


Our Curriculum Intent

Ensuring students appreciate how PE and School sport can make a difference to their attitudes and behaviour across the school and how to be responsible, respectful, and active citizens. Students feel safe in PE and School Sport and there is a culture of safeguarding that supports every child. There is a positive climate for learning where low level disruption is not tolerated. Students’ behaviour and attitudes in PE and School sport is exemplary.

There is a wide range of extra-curricular experiences for ALL STUDENTS that enhance and extend their interests and talents.  Students are motivated, engaged and participate willingly and respond positively to the sporting and cultural opportunities on offer. PE and School sport contributes exceptionally well to the development of student’s character, confidence, resilience, independence and supports their persistence in the face of challenges and difficulties. Students know how to eat well, maintain an active lifestyle, and keep physically and mentally healthy.

There is a clear and ambitious vision for high quality PE and School sport. The PE curriculum is well planned, sequential, relevant, and purposeful and supports the progression of all students from their starting points to their end points with the aim that ALL students successfully complete their programmes of study, demonstrating improved skills, competences as well as developing detailed knowledge, understanding and the cultural capital to succeed in life.


Our Learning Journey


Please click on the relevant link below to see our KS4 Dance Learning Journeys:

Year 10

Year 11

National Curriculum Mapping

Our schemes of work are aligned with the National Curriculum and are designed to at least meet its requirements, going beyond them in many respects.

To access the National Curriculum Programmes of Study for KS3 & KS4 Dance (which include Dance) click here.  

The National Curriculum Purpose of Study for PE (which includes Dance) is as follows: 

A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.

KS4 Course Information

For information about KS4 courses, please refer to the KS4 Curriculum e-booklet.

Please click here for the KS4 Dance exam specification.

KS5 Course Information

For information about the KS5 Courses available, click here.